Navigieren im Kanton Glarus

Setting up a company and Innovation

Entrepreneurial visions are our future

Embracing the new in the Canton of Glarus (Photo: Samuel Trümpy)

Everyone in Glarus benefits from a successful economy. Corporate commitment, courage and innovation are crucial to long-term economic success amid rapid technological progress. This is why the Canton of Glarus is actively supporting companies based in and moving to Glarus for the benefit of all.

Whether it's an established company or a start-up, a micro-enterprise or a major international corporation – if you're an entrepreneur using Glarnerland as a business location, you can count on the support of the Contact Centre for Business to realise your visions, innovative ideas and business plans– all free of charge – from personal advice or courses by start-up experts on founding a company right through to networking and relationship management and innovation promotion or issuing industrial patents.