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Location promotion

Get a foothold with ease in Glarnerland

A business location with excellent leisure-time activities (Photo: Samuel Trümpy)

Which location is most suitable for your company? The Contact Centre for Business helps you evaluate locations and gives you options in the canton of Glarus, acts as a broker for construction land and properties and makes dealing with official bodies simple, as well as staff recruitment or obtaining work permits for foreign professionals.

The Contact Centre for Business always listens to your entrepreneurial concerns, mediates between authorities, institutions and the private sector and regularly organises networking events in the spirit of innovation. The Contact Centre for Business advises, coaches and supports company founders and start-ups in a variety of ways, including financially or through tax relief if required – always with the aim of ensuring that your company and the Glarus economy grow together.


Location promotion
Andreas Mächler
+41 55 646 6612
Email Andreas Mächler