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Tax relief

Tax relief to help new companies grow

The canton with Saint Fridolin on its coat of arms gets behind its start-ups. (Image: Daniele Giardina)

The Cantonal Council of Glarus can grant tax relief to start-ups and companies that are making fundamental changes to their business models during their initial start-up phase (up to 10 years). Under certain circumstances, new companies can be temporarily released from paying any cantonal and municipal taxes at all, depending on to what extent the company serves the canton’s economic interests by creating new jobs or securing existing ones, and if it generates added value without competing with existing companies within the canton.

Does your company meet these criteria? Then submit your application with detailed business and financial plans, project descriptions and an estimate of how much you would like the Contact Centre for Business to invest. We assess all applications with the Cantonal Tax Administration. The Cantonal Council makes its decision following discussion with the local municipality.

The Canton of Glarus is one of the few regions in Switzerland that is also able to offer tax relief on direct federal taxes under the Federal Act on Regional Policy. These forms of relief may be no greater, and cannot be granted for a longer period, than those awarded by the Canton of Glarus.