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Funding instruments

Start-up assistance to help get innovative Glarus companies off the ground

Mollis Airfield: the sky’s the limit. (Image: Samuel Trümpy) 

The Canton of Glarus grants tax relief to start-ups and companies that are making fundamental changes to their business models, to help them get on their feet. The Glarus economy is getting a further boost through the New Regional Policy (NRP). Our mountainous canton has also made a special commitment to funding tourism. And in order to strengthen the Glarus economy, entrepreneurs can apply for financial support for their projects.    

Financial support

The Swiss Federal Government and Canton of Glarus support existing companies and start-up entrepreneurs with various forms of financial assistance. The main objective of this is to improve the economic structure of Glarus and create jobs. Financial support is therefore primarily awarded to projects that are important to:    

  • the local and regional industry structure
  • the local and regional labour market
  • local and regional suppliers and customers    

If you would like to apply for sponsorship, a repayable loan, tax relief or interest cost subsidies for your company, please complete your application with detailed information as to how much support you will need, why you need it and what you will use it for. When applying for financial aid, you will need to include a business plan covering the following areas:

  • Information on the company
  • Information on the project
  • Information on the market
  • Marketing concept
  • Timetable
  • Financial plan
  • Regional aspects
  • Request (type, amount and duration of the financial aid, including amortisation proposal)    

The Business Development Commission assesses all applications and passes on those that meet its support criteria to the Cantonal Council, which then makes the final decision as to whether financial aid will be granted.