Navigieren im Kanton Glarus

Contact Centre for Business

A pioneering centre for industry with international appeal

Glarus, centre of industry (Photo: Daniele Giardina)

Glarus was one of the first regions to embrace industrialisation and, being home to numerous innovative, export-oriented high-tech companies, it remains a highly industrialised centre for commerce to this day. As in most leading economic areas around the world, the service industry has been the fastest-growing sector in the Canton of Glarus over the past few decades and now accounts for over half the jobs in the region.  Find out more about this dynamic centre of industry in the Facts and Figures section and in the latest business directory.

The Canton of Glarus is also leading the way in terms of business development and, in 2013, it became one of the first Swiss cantons to enshrine this in law. The Contact Centre for Business, which was established by the Department of the Economy and the Interior specifically for this purpose, successfully promotes and develops the area, as evidenced by regularly collected key figures. In recent years, the Canton of Glarus has seen one of the largest increases in the number of companies in Switzerland.

Your contact partners

Are you and your company or start-up about to make a decision on an investment or location? Experts Andreas Mächler and Morena Zhuniqi from the Contact Centre for Business are on hand to help you. Thanks their clear organisation, you can get the information and essentials you need quickly and easily. The services are available free of charge.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Location promotion
Andreas Mächler
+41 55 646 6612
Email Andreas Mächler
Location development
Morena Zhuniqi
+41 55 646 6613
Email Morena Zhuniqi